Monday, February 22, 2010

Review: Cinnabon Cupcakes

Review: Cinnabon Cupcakes

Cost: 4 cupcakes are $8.99 (just one costs about $2.59)

Overall rating out of 5:

My roommate got these for me at the last minute when he was in Penn Station- at 11PM. So fresh these babies were not. I kept this in mind while eating them, and to get the freshest parts I mostly ate from the inside out, cutting each cupcake in half and taking fork fulls from the middle of the cake and the bottom middle of the frosting. I did the best I could, but I'll have to give them a proper review another time.

Another thing to keep in mind, these cupcakes are regular sized- they could have been baked with the cupcake tins in your kitchen.

Cinnacake Classic: Rating out of 5:

This is the only cupcake that gets its own rating, because I felt it was better than any of the others, and it should also be really satisfying when fresh.
This is a cinnabon in cupcake form. The cake has a strong cinnamon flavor, but doesn't have any of that yummy cinnamon goo running through it- instead that cinnamon caramel ribbon has been moved to the frosting. I think moving that extra cinnamon to the frosting was the perfect idea, because the cinnamon flavor with the cake isn't overpowering. The frosting itself tastes very similar to what's used on a cinnabon, but the texture has been changed to suit the cupcake. Its not at all gooey. So far, Cinnabon makes the only cream cheese frosting I like, because you don't really taste the cream cheese, you just get a serious sweetness.

Vanilla Bliss:
This was okay, but I got tired of the flavor pretty fast. There does seem to be an actual vanilla flavor to it, but its not very strong. The frosting here is some kind of buttercream, which is stiffer than the cream cheese frosting, but still very sweet, it just doesn't do it for me though. Its topped with a piece of candy.

24-Carrot Cake
This is spiced carrot cake with hints of coconut and pineapple, and cream cheese frosting. I don't like carrot cake, and I'm not such a fan of pineapple, so I wasn't expecting to like this, but I wasn't expecting to dislike as much as I did; I can usually still eat carrot cake.

It was the freshest one of the bunch with a very moist center, but for my taste buds, it was still pretty bad.

My biggest issue was with the hard shredded strips of coconut and (possibly) carrot that were embedded in the cake (pictured to the left). If your someone who is sensitive to texture in foods, this may bother you too. If you like multiple flavors co-mingling, this might be the cupcake for you.

Chocolate Passion:

All around "meh". Mild chocolate flavor, in both the buttercream frosting and the cake. This is also topped with a piece of candy.

Cut in half.

In related news, check out Cupcakes Take the Cake's Sweet Retreat in Seattle, where they flew to meet Jerilyn Brusseau, the creator of the Cinnabon recipe made 25 years ago. She also developed the new cupcake recipes.

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